Safety First
Safety is a priority at Haun Concrete Construction. We strive to ensure a safe working environment for our employees and all projects. Safety is paramount to any project no matter big or small. With our safety management program, we strive for a zero injury environment on a daily basis.
At Haun Concrete Construction we take pride in our history and current on- going projects along with future projects to come. We also take pride in the relationships we have established over the years. It is the goal of Haun Concrete Construction to work in a coordinated effort with the customer thereby contributing to the success of all parties and setting the standard for quality, customer service and 100% satisfied customers on a complete project.
Prepping & Pouring
Before you begin construction on walls or a building, you have to start with a strong foundation. Our company preps and pours concrete. By doing this job correctly and utilizing a team of professions, we save time. You also save money by reducing wasted materials.